This is what I've discovered so far.
I take it day by day, hour by hour. I don't try and think about where I will be in a week a month or a year, I just get through the next few hours.
The food has been delicious and surprising. I haven't been bored or desired more flavour or texture, it's all there.
I have been full the whole week! This is not like 100 other diets out there controlling calories where you spend the whole day thinking of food. The portions are generous and there is more than enough to eat. You can even make desserts if you choose and I haven't felt the need to make one this whole week. There was one day that I was super hungry and craving something sweet, so I just made a nut milk with some carob powder (instant chocolate shake) and viola, craving gone. If you have a really sweet tooth, which I don't, you can eat a bit of raw honey, or add it to a drink - it normally does the trick.
I've felt pretty good. My energy has been a little low and although I haven't slept during the day, there are days that I have felt I could sleep. My motivation has been a little down and I am somewhat listless, but not nearly as bad as I was expecting.
Today is the first day I feel more energised, which is a nice feeling.
I've done more than one physical exercise every day (normally yoga and a walk with the dog) and that has greatly helped my focus.
I'm sleeping better than I have in weeks.
My skin feels better than it has in years - soft and smooth. I can only imagine this is going to get better and better.
I'm starting to realise that often when I want food, I'm actually wanting a feeling. I know, this one's hard to get. But if I'm already full and I've just had a big lunch, but I am still wanting a bowl of tomato soup, it's perhaps that I feel I need some comfort, or I'm cold. To combat that, I do something immediately - put on another sweater, go for a walk, take a shower, tidy the kitchen - whatever I do, I seem to forget about the food I wanted!There is a different feeling to being full after a bowl of salad vs. being full after chicken parmigiana - it's just a different feeling. You feel full, but healthy, not full and tired. Just get used to it, I know I'm trying.
You cannot sit around or you will want to eat. Even if you are eating raw, I don't think you should just eat all day. I'm pretty busy and active as it is, but this week I have often found I need to go and find something else to do that doesn't require sitting (even if that sitting is at your computer) - go get distracted.
I don't know if I've lost weight. I'm doing this more for health than for weight (hello, who'm I kidding, losing weight would be great), but I'm not going to focus on it, so I refuse to weigh myself all the time. If I get healthy I know I'll lose weight, and if I focus on being healthy, I think this will be easier to maintain.
I have stayed clear of malls, superstores and restaurants. I don't see the need to put myself in a situation where I can be tempted and have to use all my will power to hang in. Why do that to yourself. When I have shopped, I've either gone to the health food store, or walked straight into the produce section and then left - why walk around and listen to all those fats, carbs and meats calling your name?
It hasn't bothered me not eating meat. Okay, so I have an unfair advantage here. Although I've eaten meat the past few years (and really come to enjoy it), I've been vegetarian (not vegan though) for a lot of my life. So the meat is not a big deal for me. The interesting menu and varied diet is helping with this too I think.
So that's it. That is the conclusion of week one. If I can do it, you can too.
I better go grate a carrot to celebrate!!
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