Yup, you heard correctly. Woke up this morning with a 3 burger fullness I think. Yesterday I woke up nauseously full, today I woke up very full. Two days in a row - this is amazing. But, enough about that - I just wanted to let you know I wasn't starving, in case you were worried!
But today is not about being full. No, today is about saying Thank You.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to my husband.
Now you must understand, when you take the 40 day raw food challenge, it's a big commitment. No alcohol, no caffeine, no meat, no animal products at all. It's a tough gig. And, when I did the research and decided to go ahead with this I had done a lot of thinking, a lot of convincing, a lot of talking to myself while wondering around with the dog and a ton of reading.
I had also realised that the time was right for me. The food plan was right, the time was right, the place I was in was right, my circumstances were right, the whole universe lined up, moved obstacles out of the way and said to me 'if you want to do this, do it now, we'll help you through it'... well, that's what I heard the universe say anyway.
But the big deal here is that just because it was right for me didn't mean it was right for anyone else. And it definitely wasn't necessarily right for the person that has to wake up with me every day.
When I took this on, it was my doing, I certainly didn't expect it or want it to be anybody else's journey. You could not ask that of someone else, it just wouldn't be fair.
Now I won't tell you much about my hubby, because he's a private kinda guy. But I will tell you this. When I met him, I was vegetarian and he was a dyed-in-the-wool carnivore. Now I don't like to use that word carnivore, it doesn't seem right, so let me rather say that if a meal didn't come with meat, my husband didn't regard it as a meal. He's also a tough guy. He's not the kind of guy who does yoga or who knew any vegetarians before he met me, and he thought I was kind of weird.
So I guessed he would think I was nuts (that's not a raw food joke!) to quit 'normal life' and eat raw food. Quite the opposite. The love of my life has been my number one supporter.
He bought me a juicer as a present just before I started the cleanse, to help me on my way. And he drank my first batch of carrot juice, to which I had added an equal quantity of ginger (yeah, why put in a 'tip of you your thumb' size piece, when you can throw in the whole root?) and he didn't even cry like I did because it was so disgusting and burnt my throat and eyes so badly.
He has eaten the same dinner as me every single day since I started so that I wouldn't have to make two meals. And especially so that I wouldn't be tempted by his food. That means he has eaten dinners with no meat, which means they weren't real meals, which means he hasn't really eaten in a week.
He has given up his morning coffee so I don't have to have that glorious smell wafting into my nasal passages while I'm still half asleep and liable to 'forget' I can't have caffeine.
Ssssh don't tell anyone this, but... he came to my yoga class with me every single day for the first week, even when my body was so sore, I hid the car keys in the hopes we could miss a class.
He has done the bulk of the shopping so I wouldn't have to go to the stores and be tempted. I think he might also use that time to sneek in a coffee, but I don't mind that at all.
He held my hair back while I puked on day 2!
He didn't flinch when I spent $200 at the health food store, and only came back with powders which we couldn't pronounce and had never heard of and pollens and grains and seeds and no 'real food'. Okay, well, he might have twitched ever so slightly, but he hid it well.
He has told me every single day how proud he is of me and he encourages me all the time.
He bought me the most beautiful hydrangeas (one of my favourite flowers) to congratulate me on getting through week 1. See the lovely pink flowers in the pic!
So to my husband, thank you, thank you, thank you... I could not have come this far if you hadn't made it so easy for me.
For that, I am truly grateful.
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