I woke up feeling full. Stuffed full. Like I'd just eaten six hamburgers full. Now I've never eaten six hamburgers in one sitting, so I'm really no expert, but if I had I imagine this is what I would feel like.
In my whole life eating 'normal' food, I have never woken up feeling full. Maybe this is normal for other people, but not for this puppy.
I knew I had to eat something though, so I had a handful of pomegranate seeds and then went off for my morning walk (feeling rather smug I might add) followed by yoga and some weights and stretches. And whadyaknow... still full.
Now I'm a gal who's used to feeling a little empty and spends much time thinking about how to get full, so forgive me if this preoccupied me a little. By about 11am I felt that I should eat something and unable to get inspired by anything (yikes, this really is a first, I never have a problem being inspired by food) I decided on a hemp seed, banana and carob shake. I thought that this would give me the protein and nutrients I might need.
I love that I was worried about nutrients, like I said before, it's not like I would starve and fade away if I missed one meal.! Anyway, the shake was delish - who knew you could do that with hemp seed. In fact, if I hadn't told you there were hemp seeds in the shake, you would never have known.
I didn't even know you could buy hemp seed two weeks ago. The first time I went into the health store I had to ask for it, because the lady working there started looking at me strangely after I walked round and round for 2 hours clearly having no clue what I was doing. I thought she would laugh her head off at my request. I was convinced, this was the big raw food joke - get the non-raw-foodie on a regular American diet and make them try find hemp seed - ha ha. And don't worry, that's not even as bad as I felt when I had to ask for bee pollen. Try ask for that with a straight face. I was waiting for everyone to roll on the floor laughing.
I tell you, asking for a bag of Doritos is much easier.
But I digress. So I had my shake and I just got fuller and fuller. By 2:30pm I started to worry about nutrients again. You know, I might just have faded away right there and when someone found my body, they'd say 'well, what did she think, you can't get through a day with just a hemp shake'. Well, for fear of dying from starvation, I had the tiny bit of left-overs from dinner - 'rice' made from red cabbage, apricots and other delicacies with a nut sauce - yum yum.
The strangest thing is I almost had to force myself to eat it and trust me, 'force' and 'eat' don't normally go in the same sentence. It's now 6pm and I still have no desire for food. I will have a little green salad to see me through the night, but that's it.
It's wierd, it's uncanny, it's strange, it's wonderful - yes, to feel full all day is wonderful. What a concept. In my 30 something years on this planet, I can't say I've ever experienced that.
Maybe this raw food thing will work after all.
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