No witty repartee today I'm afraid. I promised that I would write every day of my challenge, I did not promise it would all be sunshine and blue skies. Or, that I would always be charming and delightful.
My mood plummeted along with the barometer this morning. Nothing in particular, just a grey sky day. I know we all have them.
Part of it is just the regular fluctuations of life, and part of it is wanting instant gratification. I have been very diligent with this new lifestyle and now I want immediate results. 'I've been good for two weeks' I shout at the universe, 'why don't I look instantly amazing and feel incredible? Do you know how tough this is?'.
The universe chuckles at me and goes on about its more important business. 'All in good time' I hear the whisper in my head, 'this didn't happen overnight and it won't be healed overnight'.
Okay, universe, have it your way.
For now I'll look out the window at the grey sky and instead of words, will give you a picture of a beautiful sky after the rain. Because, at the end of the day, I know the sun always shines after the rain!
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