Today is a happy and a sad day. Not sad exactly, but rather wistful - full of vague longing.
It's a happy day because not only have I hit the half way mark of my 40 day raw food challenge, but it's Sunday. And, you know how I love Sundays because it means another week has passed and I have survived, excelled and completed some obstacles. Did you hear I said HALF WAY? I can't believe it.
It's wistful because it's Easter Sunday and we will not, I repeat NOT be having an Easter egg hunt. Actually I am not a big chocolate fan, so it's not a huge deal and is surprisingly one of the easier things for me to give up. But, the reality is that I didn't prepare in time so I don't have any raw chocolate goodies waiting to be hidden - fortunately this happens again next year, so at least I have enough notice to get it together for then!
The other reason I'm a little sad is because you know how I like as many celebrations a week as I can fit in right? Well my end of week and my half way mark landed on the same day today - how sad, so I will just have to have one giant celebration and it will be tonight with another buckwheat pizza. I've already halved the recipe so I don't overeat like last time! (See my post from Day 30 http://pinkpassionflower.blogspot.com/2010/03/day-30-yes-you-can.html)
But, enough about that. Let's look at my observations after week three. And, let me tell you, it's been a bit of a challenging week. I thought after I had survived week one it would all be plain sailing. Yup, you thought so too. Well no, apparently it doesn't actually work that way.
I've been, dare I say, a littler ornery this week. Not much mind you, but just enough to be slightly irritating to myself. Hmm, perhaps that is why hubby's walks have been slightly longer, I'm not sure.
My skin which had started to shine a little, took a giant leap backwards and I've had breakouts the whole week.
Daily yoga seems to be getting harder not easier. Trust me, my legs are crying right now, you just can't hear them.
I'm enjoying walking more than ever though.
The sun is shining and I'm loving the feeling of those rays massaging my skin and running its fingers through my hair.
The weight slowly and steadily keeps going down - now who wouldn't be happy about that? Little by little, step by step.
I am more able to live in each moment. Not worrying about the next meal, or the next challenge, but instead I am taking each few hours of the day as a little victory. If I drink more water, it's a victory. If I get through breakfast, it's a victory. If I get to 4pm and I've only snacked on fruit, it's a victory. This way instead of berating myself about what I could have done better, I'm praising myself for what I know I did well. I think this is a good life lesson I will have to return to and explore in detail.
I'm experiencing some awesome sleep together with some turbulent sleep. However, even on the turbulent nights, the first 3 or so hours I'm dead to the world. Again, I see this as a victory not a defeat. It can only get better from here right?
I am more energised. Not bouncing off the walls, but every day it seems a little easier to get through the afternoon without wanting to fall over.
I realise that one of the keys to maintaining a raw food diet is preparation. You really do have to think ahead, make sure your fridge and pantry are stocked and plan, plan, plan. Especially if you are going out. Always have water and snacks with you. It will stop you racing off to find something you shouldn't eat.
So, all in all, I think it's a successful half way. Now go off and find some Easter eggs with my name on them and gobble them up.
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