When you wake up. Isn't it funny how sometimes we don't see things that are right in front of us. We can be experiencing them every day and for some reason are completely blind to what is going on.
That happened to me this week. Now, I'm going to blame it on a 4 day migraine. Well, that's my excuse, but the reality is I just had my eyes shut.
You see, I figured after I got through week one and definitely week two of this raw food challenge, that it would be plane sailing. I don't know why, but I just had it all figured out in my head that those would be the tough weeks and if I survived them, then it would be easy as pie.
Yes, I was totally delusional. Weeks one and two were relatively easy. Surprisingly easy. Perhaps it was because I had worked myself into such a frenzy about this whole thing. Maybe it was just the adrenaline pushing or pulling me through. Nevertheless, I got rather smug.
Then I hit week three. Boy, that one was a toughie. I can't put my finger on what it was. Weird cravings, a deep desire for something solid - trust me, salad does not feel solid after a while - the need for anything going into my mouth to be warm. All these odd things, made it hard to focus.
But, today I woke up.
It's like a veil was lifted from my eyes and I realise that for the past week I've been eating the same very very (trust me when I said 'very' the first time) basic salad for dinner and a simple salad for lunch. I haven't bothered with all the menu meals. I've been eating really small portions and not feeling like I need much of anything.
It suddenly seems easy again. And, for some reason I didn't even notice.
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