For years there has been the debate between vegans / vegetarians / raw foodies and those who aren't any of the aforementioned, about protein.
Speak to most young (or old) strapping men about becoming veggie and the first thing they will say to you is 'where do I get my protein? How will I build any muscle?'.
I for one am not going to get into this debate. There are people out there who have way more information than I do on this topic and I just don't like arguing. I also just don't really get the big deal, maybe I'm missing something.
What I will say are two things. Firstly, ever seen a horse, a cow, a hippo or an elephant? They have some of the largest, strongest, leanest and most muscular bodies on this lovely planet.
Now let me ask you another question, ever invited one over for a barbecue? Ribs? Surf and turf?
No, I didn't think so, because they are all vegetarian (actually vegan)! Enough said.
Secondly, no matter what your opinion is, if you try to go raw (which happens to be vegan - although you can be vegan without being raw), you will come up against this question from concerned loved ones, inquisitive friends and very often the men in your life.
My hubby is definitely one of those guys. Whenever we discuss raw, I hear protein, protein, protein. So I did a little research.
One way you can supplement your diet is to take plant based protein powders, usually in the form of hemp protein or brown rice protein (Sun Warrior is supposed to be the best). I like to add these to the hemp seed, banana and cacao/carob shakes I have almost every day.
You can buy most of these flavoured (often vanilla or chocolate), but I don't like doing that, I prefer to have control over my own flavours, so I buy natural and then add carob or raw cacao if I want it to be chocolate or you can add vanilla seeds fresh from the pod if you prefer that.
These are available at most good health stores. They can be pricey though. So I went in search of an online source and found Raw Nutrition http://www.rawnutrition.ca/ . They are a family based business located in the Ottawa Valley.
What I loved about ordering from them, is that not only is the shipping free (in Canada) over $100, but their service was fantastically efficient and friendly.
Okay so I didn't actually talk to anyone from the company, but the way my box was packed, and the little extra details like the food combining chart that was included told me it was friendly! You know. You can see a box that was packed in a caring friendly way can't you?
So that's my take on protein. Love it, hate it, need it, don't need it? Wherever you are, there is a source out there for you without having to turn to meat.
(Picture - Sun Warrior)
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