When I woke up this morning, with an-almost-clear-head - I say almost, because the migraine is lingering ever so slightly - I thought about the starfish foundation and the story that started it all. It's a story about the difference you can make and how even if you can't save or help everything, saving just one starfish makes a difference to that starfish. If you haven't read the story, you can see it here http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/starfish.htm
It got me thinking about this journey of raw.
There are many times on this road that I have questioned whether this is worth it (of course I know it is, but you know how sometimes your chattering monkey mind makes you doubt the obvious?). I have questioned whether I have the strength and determination to stick with this (apparently so far I do!). I have questioned whether this is sustainable (I think it is, but you have to arrange your life differently and I'll talk about this another time). I have questioned whether it is making enough of a difference (duh! obvious, but you know, I want instant gratification just like the rest of you).
Basically I have doubts. I know they are totally unfounded, but that doesn't stop them creeping into my brain some times. I know that what I am doing is right for me, but that knowledge does not necessarily make it any easier.
Nevertheless, thinking of the starfish story made me think about the difference I'm making. I'm making a difference for me, and for me, that makes all the difference. I just have to keep going, one step at a time.
(Photo - mine)
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