Wow, day 13, I can hardly believe it. I am rolling downhill fast, closer and closer to number 1. Thank goodness. I can tell you that very often on this journey, you feel like this lovely lone tree. Staring out over the Grand Canyon wondering how on earth you will cross that chasm to the other side.
Then, I have to remember that every journey starts with a small step. And more importantly, that every journey is only completed if I keep taking those steps one after the other, after the other.
I realise now that the famous quotes always tell me how to start adventures, they forget to tell me how to finish them.
That aside, today is Sunday. I love Sunday. It means another week has passed. It means I am making progress.
Progress. Hmm, that is one of my observations this week. I feel like the progress is so slow. I was hoping to see some physical results quicker. However, I have to remember that it took me years to feel like this, it is unfair to expect all of that to be unravelled in a few weeks. I guess you can look at it that slow and steady wins the race. But, a girl can still hope can't she?
So, while I feel like I am crawling along at a snail's pace, there are some very good things to report on this week.
I am used to living with headaches. Migraines actually. They are a constant companion of mine. And, while they are an unwelcome companion, I get so used to them I wonder sometimes if my week is complete without at least one by my side. I am happy to report that I have not had a single migraine since I started eating raw.
Yes, I have had minor headaches, but not the mind numbing, head pounding, pull down the shades and block out all sound type. I can account for almost all the minor ones (coffee withdrawal, over-zealous stretching, twisted to hard in yoga) and I can deal with those.
For the past few years, I have found it very hard to move my hands easily. They have been stiff, swollen and in constant pain, hard to open fully and hard to close fully which makes typing, writing, and holding onto anything a bit of a challenge. Right now, they feel fine. No swelling, no pain and I can grip things fairly well. If not perfectly, then at least a lot better than I could 6 months ago.
While these may not seem like amazing things to someone else. For me, they are the changes that improve my quality of life. They are the things that make daily life easier.
And while writing this, I have just been reminded that the changes are happening. They are happening in mammoth and miraculous ways. They might not be taking place in the order I was hoping for or expecting, but they are happening.
And that is something to truly be grateful for.
Then, I have to remember that every journey starts with a small step. And more importantly, that every journey is only completed if I keep taking those steps one after the other, after the other.
I realise now that the famous quotes always tell me how to start adventures, they forget to tell me how to finish them.
That aside, today is Sunday. I love Sunday. It means another week has passed. It means I am making progress.
Progress. Hmm, that is one of my observations this week. I feel like the progress is so slow. I was hoping to see some physical results quicker. However, I have to remember that it took me years to feel like this, it is unfair to expect all of that to be unravelled in a few weeks. I guess you can look at it that slow and steady wins the race. But, a girl can still hope can't she?
So, while I feel like I am crawling along at a snail's pace, there are some very good things to report on this week.
I am used to living with headaches. Migraines actually. They are a constant companion of mine. And, while they are an unwelcome companion, I get so used to them I wonder sometimes if my week is complete without at least one by my side. I am happy to report that I have not had a single migraine since I started eating raw.
Yes, I have had minor headaches, but not the mind numbing, head pounding, pull down the shades and block out all sound type. I can account for almost all the minor ones (coffee withdrawal, over-zealous stretching, twisted to hard in yoga) and I can deal with those.
For the past few years, I have found it very hard to move my hands easily. They have been stiff, swollen and in constant pain, hard to open fully and hard to close fully which makes typing, writing, and holding onto anything a bit of a challenge. Right now, they feel fine. No swelling, no pain and I can grip things fairly well. If not perfectly, then at least a lot better than I could 6 months ago.
While these may not seem like amazing things to someone else. For me, they are the changes that improve my quality of life. They are the things that make daily life easier.
And while writing this, I have just been reminded that the changes are happening. They are happening in mammoth and miraculous ways. They might not be taking place in the order I was hoping for or expecting, but they are happening.
And that is something to truly be grateful for.
(Photo - mine)
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