Before I bare my soul for all to see, did you see the number in the title? 19... Yes, I am in the teens now. Getting closer and closer to number 1. Remember, that's the first day of the rest of my life.
I am excited that I have made it this far. When I embarked on this journey, I wasn't sure whether I would make it through the first day or even the first week, it was very daunting for me. Turns out in some ways it's been easier than I anticipated and in some ways harder. Like I've said before, I only think the 'easier' happened because I thought about it for so long and it was the right thing to do at the right time.
Also, I had my BFF 'the Universe' on my side. I told you, 'the Universe' is a great friend to have.
However, when I started this blog, I also told you I was going to be totally honest and accountable, so it's time for a confession.
Now, hold onto your horses, I have not cheated on the eating plan. I can safely attest that not one morsel of cooked food or animal product has passed my lips. Not a grain of processed sugar, or processed flour, or processed anything has even come close to my mouth. No caffeine, no alcohol and definitely no Parmigiano Reggiano (see my previous post on Parmigiano http://pinkpassionflower.blogspot.com/2010/03/what-am-i-doing.html).
Although I did find myself on the kitchen floor the other day with my nose deep in the empty jar that used to be filled with ground coffee beans, sucking up the last remnants of coffee flavour left in the pores of the glass. And if that's wrong, then go ahead, throw stones at me, because I loved every minute of drawing that coffee aroma deep into my lungs and pretending I was holding a warm cup in my hand and drinking in it's rich flavour. Even the dog was looking at me strangely, but I do what I have to in order to stick with this.
Can you tell I'm stalling? Anyway, so there's no confession to be had regarding food. Yoga however might me a slightly different story. Yup, I haven't quite made it to yoga for the past few days...er... um... 4 to be exact.
Now, in my defence, I have still walked once sometimes twice a day and I have still done my ab and weight work at home. I just didn't quite make it to the yoga studio. Let me tell you why.
By the end of last week, I needed the jaws of life to cut me out of my Lululemons. I'm not kidding. My body was so sore, and so tired, I actually could not take my sweaty, stinky, clingy yoga clothes off on my own.
I could not physically cross my arms over my body and grasp the ends of my top to lift it over my sad, sweaty, salt encrusted head. My legs declared war on anyone who was going to try and make them step out of the pants they were in and then step into something clean and dry and nice.
Yup, my body just said ENOUGH! Enough damn you, I'm not standing for this a minute longer. I braced for the revolt.
And so, while I know that sometimes we need to push ourselves harder to achieve our goals, I'm also learning to listen to my inner voice and my body and I figured, this poor frame that lugs me around all the time deserved a little long weekend. A respite from the hot, sweaty, stinky yoga room it didn't ask to be taken to every day. And quite frankly, I think it's thanking me for that now.
So there you have it. My confession. You can judge me, or not judge me, that is up to you. But if you are wondering why there is a picture of an incredible sunrise at the top of this post. The kind of sunrise you only see in big sky country mind you, it's to remind me that at the dawning of a new day, you always have the option to make better choices.
What's past is past. But now, Today, everything can change.
(Photo - mine)
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