As a friend, you get surprises. At least I think that is the case.
And because this seems to be a week of discourse with the universe, let's go for Round number three!
Now the other day (Day 25 to be exact), I spoke about not taking the universe on as an adversary and we agreed, at least I think you agreed with me, that when you take on an opponent, you have to take on someone you know you at least have a chance of beating.
However, when you take on a friend, you don't want someone you can beat, you want someone who can help you win. And looking at things that way, the universe is not a bad friend to have. All that power it has to beat you down, is the same power it can use to lift you up and move you forward. Now that's the kind of friend I want on my side.
So, when you are trying to win something - let's say a raw food challenge for example - the universe is the buddy you want right next to you. After my grey sky day on DAY 26 and my sunshine and go head to head with the universe on DAY 25, I find myself getting a little surprise this morning.
I opened up my punnet of strawberries to make breakfast and look what I found - this gigantic, heart shaped strawberry. Well, it looked heart shaped to me. And I believe that after telling the universe I am going to win this thing, the universe contemplated for a while and then became my best friend.
So of course, because we are now BFF's, the universe sent me a heart shaped bright red strawberry to remind me to keep smiling. To remind me I have powerful friends on my side. To remind me that life is funny sometimes. To remind me that when you make the universe your friend, anything is possible. And, to remind me that whatever I want to achieve, I can achieve. Because, after all that's what best friends do right?
Of course, I could go on about the universe for ages, but I have to admit, this is the first day of sun we have had in about 4 months. And, as much as I love to chat, I'm just dying to get out there for my second walk of the day with the sun on my face and the wind in my hair.
While I'm doing that, why don't you go and make friends with the universe and see what surprises you receive.
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