Easter is here, and so is Spring. The daffodils are peeking through their comfy beds in the woods, the crocuses are pushing the earth aside in an effort to reach the sun and the pregnant buds are starting to unfurl into a whirl of green. A world that was grey, black and white is getting a little touch of colour added every day and the sun has come back for a longer visit. It's so exciting.
It's also a great time to change to raw food. As winter slowly recedes and spring starts to emerge, I start to feel lighter. It feels like the right time to clean out the cupboards, air out the house, get rid of a few things, make space for new products, goals and challenges and lighten the load so to speak. I guess that's why we talk about Spring Cleaning.
With the weather starting to warm, I find it gets easier and easier to just have fruit for breakfast, to drink more water during the day, and to let go of the warm milky things we usually crave in winter. I'm finding it easier to have slightly smaller portions and to not necessarily need that feeling of fullness after a meal. Lighter, brighter and airy are the keys here. It just makes more sense to to have an extra salad or to make a fresh juice.
And as I shed my wintry cloak, I like to think about treating my body and my mind in exactly the same way I spring clean my home. I like to get in to the back of that cupboard in my head and give those stubborn cobwebs a great clean. I like to open the windows of my mind and give it a good airing. I like to go for a slightly longer walk and get some fresh air deep into my lungs. Whenever I manage to do this, it feels so good and by the time summer rolls around, I know I'll be grateful I bothered to spend the time on it.
I hope this continues and off course, I'll keep you updated.
For now, I'm off to enjoy a chocolate free Easter.
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