The website is great too, because you can adapt recipes. For example, this cake serves 16 but you can use the doo-da (ahem... that's a technical term) next to where it shows you the serving size and you can adjust it to how many servings you need. Once adjusted, it will automatically adapt the recipe for you. Cool.
I followed the recipe exactly as is, except for three changes.
1) I soaked my cashews for about 10 hours, because I've read that the longer they soak, the creamier they get (I have no idea, I'm a cashew-soaking virgin).
2) I added the zest of one whole lemon to the filling (because I love lemons more than I love life).
3) I only put in just under 1/2 cup raw honey, instead of 3/4 of a cup which I had melted in a bain-marie (that's a fancy word for putting the bowl of honey in a bigger bowl filled with hot water) because I don't like things too sweet.
It turned out to be the creamiest, yummiest, non cheese cheesecake ever.
Now don't get into a tizzy. I know that the point of going raw is not to eat cheesecake every day. However, my belief is that when you are transitioning and are still trying to let go of your old food habits and tastes, it's not a totally bad thing to make things like desserts or treats.
I firmly believe, and like I've said before I'm no expert, that as one gets used to all the raw food and that as our bodies change, the desire for things like cheesecake will diminish. I also believe that if you are craving something, rather find the raw alternative and indulge in it instead of denying yourself and then caving and running out to have a big Mac, or a chocolate bar.
Also, let's say you were trying to get your hubby to somewhat convert to raw with you (this is just a hypothetical of course) and let's say that he has a really sweet tooth, and let's just say that the raw food diet isn't quite answering all his taste requirements, then let's just say that wouldn't it be clever to show him all the yummy sweet things you can create that are raw? I think I might think that, if of course I was ever in that situation.
If however, you prefer chocolate cheesecake, check out this recipe from Kristen's Raw http://kristensraw.blogspot.com/2007/12/organic-double-chocolate-cherry.html I was going to make this then decided I wanted lemon more than chocolate, but doesn't it look amazing.
I'm in awe, and I'm learning new things every day.
(Photo - mine)